20 ChatGPT tips to improve your productivity and save time.

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ChatGPT models have seen significant growth and development, with larger models being trained, offering better performance in generating human-like text. Did you know that models have expanded in size; for instance, GPT-3 by OpenAI had 175 billion parameters, showcasing the trend of increasing complexity and capacity in AI language models.

In this article I will share some easy tips & shortcuts to improve your productivity and save time.

  1. Custom Shortcuts: Create personalized shortcuts for frequently used phrases or commands to expedite responses. List of shortcuts.
  2. Use Templates: Develop reusable templates for common inquiries or responses to streamline communication. Type of templates you can use.
  3. Task Automation: Integrate ChatGPT with task management tools like Trello or Asana for quick task creation or updates.
  4. Voice Commands: Utilize voice commands for hands-free operation and quicker execution of tasks.
  5. Custom Triggers: Set up custom triggers to automate certain actions based on specific keywords or phrases.
  6. Keyboard Shortcuts: Familiarize yourself with keyboard shortcuts to navigate ChatGPT swiftly.
  7. Customizable UI: Explore ChatGPT settings for customizable user interfaces that suit your workflow.
  8. Scheduling Reminders: Use ChatGPT to set up reminders and notifications for crucial deadlines or tasks.
  9. Use Alarms and Timers: Employ ChatGPT to set alarms or timers for time-bound tasks or reminders.
  10. Advanced Search Queries: Master advanced search commands to find specific information quickly within chat history.
  11. Keyword Highlighting: Utilize keyword highlighting to identify important terms or phrases in conversations effortlessly.
  12. Sync Across Devices: Take advantage of syncing capabilities to access ChatGPT seamlessly across multiple devices.
  13. Integration with Calendar: Link ChatGPT with your calendar to manage appointments, meetings, or events more efficiently.
  14. AI Summarization: Use AI summarization to condense lengthy texts or discussions into concise, digestible summaries.
  15. Smart Suggestions: Leverage AI-generated smart suggestions for quick responses during conversations.
  16. AI Insights: Explore ChatGPT’s AI insights to gain actionable data or trends from conversations.
  17. Shared Workspace: Collaborate effectively by using shared workspaces within ChatGPT for group discussions or projects.
  18. Quick Polls or Surveys: Create and conduct polls or surveys directly within ChatGPT for instant feedback or opinions.
  19. Automated Reports: Set up ChatGPT to generate automated reports on specific metrics or data points.
  20. Continuous Learning: Engage with ChatGPT’s continuous learning feature to improve AI responses over time based on your interactions.

What are Custom Shortcuts?

Custom shortcuts are an invaluable tool to optimize your interactions and expedite responses while using ChatGPT. Here’s a deeper look into their benefits and how to create and use them effectively:

Benefits of ChatGPT Custom Shortcuts:

  1. Efficiency Boost: Custom shortcuts save time by enabling you to access frequently used phrases or commands instantly, without the need to type them out repeatedly.
  2. Consistency in Responses: They ensure consistency in your responses across conversations by standardizing common phrases or information.
  3. Error Reduction: Reduces the likelihood of typos or errors, ensuring accuracy in your communications.

How to Create Custom Shortcuts:

  1. Identify Repetitive Text: Pinpoint phrases, answers, or commands that you use often during conversations.
  2. Access Settings: Navigate to ChatGPT settings or configuration options.
  3. Shortcut Creation: Locate the section for custom shortcuts and create a new entry.
  4. Define Trigger and Response: Input the trigger word or phrase that will activate the shortcut. Then, specify the corresponding full text or command that the trigger will expand into.
  5. Save and Apply: Save the new shortcut and ensure it’s activated for use during conversations.

Best Practices for Using ChatGPT Custom Shortcuts:

  1. Relevance: Create shortcuts for phrases or commands that you use frequently and are relevant across various conversations.
  2. Clear Trigger Words: Choose trigger words that are easy to remember and unlikely to be used in regular conversation to prevent accidental activation.
  3. Consistent Formatting: Ensure uniformity in the formatting of your shortcuts to maintain a professional tone and appearance.
  4. Regular Review: Periodically review and update your list of shortcuts to align with any changes in your workflow or frequently used phrases.

Example Usage:

Let’s say, for instance, you frequently need to share your website link. You can create a shortcut where typing “/website” automatically expands into the full website URL, saving you the effort of typing it out each time.

Custom shortcuts are an exceptional feature within ChatGPT, allowing you to streamline interactions, reduce repetition, and enhance your overall productivity during conversations.

Here are a few examples of custom shortcuts that could be immensely useful:

  1. /addr: Expands to your full address.
  2. /email: Expands to your email address.
  3. /phno: Expands to your phone number.
  4. /sig: Expands to your full email signature.
  5. /linkin: Expands to your LinkedIn profile link.
  6. /web: Expands to your website URL.
  7. /time: Expands to your available meeting times.
  8. /thanks: Expands to a polite “Thank you for your message! We’ll get back to you shortly.”
  9. /introt: Expands to a brief introduction about yourself or your business.
  10. /faq1: Expands to a frequently asked question along with its response.

These shortcuts are designed to simplify repetitive tasks, standardize responses, and save time during conversations, ensuring a more efficient and consistent interaction process.

Use Templates

When it comes to optimizing productivity with ChatGPT, leveraging templates is a fantastic strategy. Templates are pre-designed structures that offer a ready-made framework to kickstart various tasks and boost efficiency. Here’s an in-depth look at using templates within the context of ChatGPT, along with examples and useful links:

Enhancing Productivity with Templates:

What Are Templates? Templates serve as preformatted frameworks that provide a structured layout for creating content. They’re essentially starting points that users can modify and customize to suit their specific needs.

Types of ChatGPT Templates:

  1. Conversation Templates: Ready-made dialogues or conversational structures for specific purposes.
  2. Content Creation Templates: Pre-designed formats for articles, emails, summaries, etc.
  3. Code Snippets: Pre-written code blocks to assist in programming tasks.

How to Use Templates with ChatGPT:

  1. Select a Template: Choose a template that aligns with your intended use case.
  2. Customize Content: Modify the template to include specific information or details relevant to your task.
  3. Optimize Structure: Adjust the template’s structure to better fit your workflow or preferences.
  4. Leverage Output: Utilize the refined template to efficiently perform tasks or generate content.

Easy Examples of ChatGPT Templates:

  • Email Response Templates: Use preset structures for common email scenarios to improve response time and consistency.
  • Article Outlining Templates: Employ templates that provide pre-formatted outlines for various article structures.
  • Chatbot Scripts: Utilize pre-written conversational flows to develop more effective chatbot interactions.

Benefits of Using Templates with ChatGPT:

  • Saves Time: Templates eliminate the need to start from scratch, enabling faster task completion.
  • Consistency: Ensures uniformity across different content or tasks.
  • Ease of Use: Simplifies complex processes by providing a guided framework.

By utilizing templates, users can significantly enhance their productivity and streamline various tasks within ChatGPT. Explore the provided links to find templates that suit your specific requirements and adapt them to optimize your workflow.

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